Know who you’re up against. Getting a clear picture of your competitive landscape enables us to position your company to be a step ahead. We’ll dig into their digital efforts to craft yours differently… and to craft yours better.
You’ll provide a list of names, I’ll get to work. We can decide on including actual competitors or also including model companies that you strive to be like one day. Once you give me the names, you’ll also provide a brief description of what you like about their organization, what you don’t, and if anything in their marketing strategy stands out to you.
It’s about dissecting what works from what doesn’t.
With the competitive research process, expect a clear beat. Look forward to understanding how the companies you love and the companies you hate leverage digital efforts. More than that, get excited for ideas on how we can position your business to compete and differentiate from the pack.
Deep dive into 3 competitors or aspirational brands/businesses and the client brand/business
Outline of which brand/business is winning, where they’re winning, and how
Identification of gaps and opportunities to improve overall marketing and positioning online
Comprehensive content audit of the websites, including structure of navigation and user experience as well as on and off-site SEO strategy
Overall recommendations based on insights gleaned mapped to an actionable proposed timeline
Let’s compete smarter.
If you know you’re ready to get a pulse on your competition, fill out the form below. We can get the process started and kick off a partnership.
Still unsure if a competitive research is right for you? No worries. Give me your information and we can address your questions on a call or over a coffee.